Mannan Oligosaccharide based nutritional supplements

Mannan-oligosaccharide based nutritional supplements, MOS are widely used in nutrition as a natural additive. MOS has been shown to improve gastrointestinal health as well as overall health, thus improving wellbeing, energy levels and performance. Most MOS products, particularly those that have been scientifically reviewed, derive from the cell wall of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


History of MOS as a nutritional supplement

The initial interest in using MOS to protect gastrointestinal health originated from work done in the late 1980s. At this time researchers looked at the ability of mannose, the pure version of the complex sugar in MOS, to inhibit salmonella infections. Different studies showed that salmonella can bind via type-1-fimbriae (finger-like projections) to mannose. The binding to mannose reduces the risk of pathogen colonization in the intestinal tract.[1][2][3] Different forms of mannose-type sugars interact differently with type-1-fimbriae. The form present in the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (α-1,3 and α-1,6 branched mannans; for more details see Structure defines function) is particularly effective at binding pathogens.[4] Based on those facts, Newman et al.[5] investigated the effect of MOS in calves and reported improved performance.

The gut is the largest organ in the body and is home to billions of microorganisms. Nutrition must not only provide the necessary nutrients, it must also support a balanced microflora. In recent years consumers and the media have placed an ever greater emphasis on wellness, energy levels and overall well being. MOS as a natural nutritional supplement offers a novel approach to support the microflora and thus improve overall health and well-being.

In farm animals, gut health has an additional dimension, as a healthy gut is a key driver of efficient use of feed, which is important for sustainable animal production and for the conservative use of natural resources such as grains or soya. Over many decades antibiotic substances have been added to animal diets to secure intestinal health. Today, however, there is a global push to reduce the use of antibiotics as feed additives for farm animals due to concerns about the build-up of antibiotic resistance in humans who consume the meat of these food-producing animals. This trend has fueled interest in natural nutritional concepts. Based on a large body of research MOS has established itself as a one of the more important natural additives in farm animal production. The effect of MOS on animal performance was analysed in several meta-analyses (statistical analyses of final reports from trials that essentially contain the same experimental treatments) for poultry,[6][7][8][9] pigs,[10][11] and calves.[12] These analyses reported improvements in performance with MOS.

Effects of MOS on the intestinal microflora

As mentioned earlier MOS affects bacterial attachment in the intestinal tract. In controlled studies with chickens a reduction in the prevalence and concentration of different strains of salmonella as well as E. coli was reported.[13] Reductions in E. coli were also reported by several other researchers.[14] Salmonella is a zoonoses, therefore an efficient control system, which includes dietary measures is critical in order to produce safe food. Further research has shown a reduction in clostridia, another common intestinal pathogen.[15][16] The effects of MOS at controlling E. coli and salmonella are quite consistent. However, reported effects on promoting beneficial bacteria, such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are more variable.[13][16][17] The application of molecular techniques allows us to study the composition of the intestinal microflora, giving us a more detailed picture of the complex changes following MOS supplementation.[18][19]

Effects of MOS on intestinal structure and function

A large surface area is key for optimal digestive function, therefore the surface of the small intestine should be covered with long healthy villi. Yang et al.[20] reported better energy digestion when including MOS in broilers. Several studies with MOS in poultry have looked at the intestinal structure and discovered longer villi and a more shallow crypt.[21][22][23] Comparable changes in intestinal structure have also been reported in fish. In rainbow trout, supplementing the diet with 0.2% level of MOS resulted in an increase in gut surface area, microvilli length and density, and altered microbial populations.[24]

A shallow crypt is a good indicator for an efficient small intestine, which requires fewer nutrients for renewal. With a low renewal rate the intestinal cells become more mature, allowing for more efficient digestive enzyme production and nutrient absorption. Research has shown increased production of enzymes such as; maltase, leucine aminopeptidase, and alkaline phosphatase with MOS.[20][25]

To protect the villi and intestinal surface, the gut produces protecting mucus. This mucus is produced in specific cells called goblet cells. In general the number of goblet cells is an indicator of mucus production. Researchers found that goblet cell numbers were increased with MOS.[17][21] The importance of those changes for animal health is still being debated by scientists.

MOS as a nutritional supplement for companion animals

MOS is included in diets for horses, dogs, cats, rabbits and birds by feed manufacturers, mainly due to its benefits for their health. MOS as a nutritional supplement offers a natural approach to support the microflora and thus improve overall health, well-being and longevity.

MOS for dogs

Rapid changes in the microflora and/or the proliferation of intestinal pathogens can lead to gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, a number of trials have been carried out to explore the efficacy of MOS in improving gut health in dogs.

To reduce the risk of digestive upsets it is critical to keep the concentrations of potential pathogens low. MOS has been shown to reduce faecal E. coli and C. perfringens and tended to have greater concentrations of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.[26][27][28][29] Older dogs tend to have reduced concentrations of bifidobacteria.[29] A significant increase in bifidobacteria concentration was noted with MOS supplementation to diets of senior dogs, thus counteracting the negative effect of age on colonic health.[29]

The mechanism of action for reducing the numbers of C. perfringens may differ from that previously explained for bacteria with type-1-fimbriae. Research in other species has demonstrated that MOS has an effect on intestinal morphology as well as both innate and acquired immune system components, which may help to explain the observed reductions in C. perfringens. Research shows an increase in serum lymphocytes and lower plasma neutrophils when adult dogs were supplemented with MOS and FOS. These findings indicate an improvement in immunity that, in turn, gives rise to increased protection against intestinal pathogens.[30]

Other areas of interest to dog owners are the effect of MOS on nutrient digestibility and stool quality; both for health and practical (poop-a-scoop) reasons.[31][32]

MOS as a nutritional supplement for farm animals

Mannan oligosaccharides have been widely evaluated in feeding trials. As animal health and performance are influenced by many factors other than nutrition, the responses to a feed additive will vary between production systems. Therefore, a concept such as MOS should not be evaluated based on single trials. A meta-analyses, which summarizes a large number of published research trials allows for a more comprehensive overview.

MOS for poultry

The first study testing MOS in poultry showing an improvement in performance was peer-reviewed published in 2001.[22] It showed an improvement in feed conversion, indicating that birds are converting feed more efficiently into body tissue. An efficient feed conversion ratio (FCR) is important for the overall efficiency and thus is a key contributing factor to sustainable poultry production. In addition, it is of great economic importance to the producer. Over the years, a series of papers looking at performance effects under different production conditions were published. Hooge [6] summarized 44 comparisons in a meta-analyses where MOS was fed between 0.5 to 2 kg / tonne of feed. He concluded that on average MOS led to 1.6% improvements in body weight, 2.0% improvement in FCR and lower bird mortality. Prof. Dr. Gordon Rosen,[7] in his review of 82 comparisons, reported similar effects. After broilers (meat-producing chicken), turkey is the second most important source of poultry meat globally. In turkeys 76 comparisons have shown similar responses to MOS as in broilers.[8][9] Several studies also suggest that MOS, when added to poultry diets, allows the birds to perform at a similar level as when fed a diet supplemented with antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs).[16][33][34]

MOS for pigs

Part of a successful start into a piglet’s life is the consumption of sufficient colostrum (milk from the sow the first day after birth). Colostrum contains high levels of immunoglobulins, which protect the piglet from harmful diseases in the first weeks of its life. Several studies have looked at supplementing sow diets with MOS with the aim of improving the health of the sows. A healthy sow produces good quality colostrum and spreads less harmful bacteria in the environment where she gives birth and raises the piglets. Several researchers have reported a significant increase in colostrum production [35] and colostrum quality [35] with MOS. Those changes in colostrum quality and quantity likely explain a reduced pre-weaning mortality and a higher litter size and litter weight at weaning [35] and can thereby help to better protect the piglet from disease, thus improving piglet survival. A recent review of published literature showed that the mortality of young piglets was reduced when MOS was supplemented in the diets of the sow.[35] Keeping the mortality of young piglets to a minimum is important from an economical as well as from an animal welfare point of view.

The next critical phase in a piglet’s life is the time of weaning, when it is separated from the sow. The change from milk to solid feed leads to changes in the intestinal microflora and structure and thus presents a higher risk of intestinal problems. Two meta-analyses involving a total of 123 comparison,[10][11] concluded that performance was better in piglets fed MOS-supplemented feed. The data also indicated that piglets, which were particularly challenged during this transition phase (showing a slower growth rate due to the challenge), responded particularly well to MOS supplements. Positive performance effects with MOS were also reported in later production phases, however, those effects appear to be smaller than in the very young animals.[11]

MOS for calves

The first trial ever reported with MOS was with young bull calves.[5] Newman et al.[5] noted improved intake and subsequently better growth rates. The health status of young calves is one of the most important factors contributing to growth and performance. Diarrhoea in young calves is a major issue in the dairy sector. The cause can be viral or bacterial, however, E.coli is often involved. As MOS can bind E. coli (see Effects of MOS on the intestinal microflora), it can modify and help to improve the composition of the intestinal microflora. This resulted in a reduction in faecal E. coli counts[14] and improvements in faecal score[36] in calves fed MOS. These improvements were coupled with an increase in concentrate (dry feed) intake[37] and better performance.[5][37][38][39][40] In addition to the changes in the gut, several authors also noticed improvements in respiratory health, which can also contribute to better performance.[5][38] Conversely, one trial reported no effects on liveweight gain despite increased feed intake.[41] Higher liveweight gain, similar to that gained with the use of antibiotics, has been achieved following supplementation of milk replacer with MOS.[42]

Dairy cows fed MOS had better immune protection against rotavirus and were able to pass some of this protection on to their calves.[43] The transfer of immunity from the cow to the calves is critical in order to protect the calf from many different diseases.[42]

MOS for aquaculture

Farmed Fish larvae are often fed with live feed cultures. As the intensive nature of live feed cultures provide ideal conditions for the growth of opportunistic pathogens, MOS incorporation into live feeds has been studied to assess the impact on the microbial load, particularly with regards to Vibrio species levels. MOS showed a reduction in Vibrio levels of live feed cultures.[44][45][46] These reductions were likely due to the agglutination or binding of Vibrio cells to MOS mediated by the presence of mannose receptors. MOS supplementation has also been shown to reduce the overall cultivable intestinal microbial load [24] and to enhance species richness.[47]

Several researchers have reported improved performance and feed efficiency with MOS in aqua culture.[48][49] As in terrestrial animals, changes have been associated with effects on the gut and the immune system. Dimitroglou et al.[47] observed alterations of circulating leukocytes proportions as well as increased total leucocyte levels when feeding gilthead sea bream. Torrecillas et al.[50][51][52] assessed the dietary inclusion of various levels of MOS on the immune status and disease resistance of sea bass. MOS reduced Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio anguillarum and Listonella anguillarum, two important pathogens in aqua fish.

Structure defines function

In the yeast cell wall, mannan oligosaccharides are present in complex molecules that are linked to the protein moiety. There are two main locations of mannan oligosaccharides in the surface area of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall.[53] They can be attached to the cell wall proteins[54] as part of –O and –N glycosyl groups and also constitute elements of large α-D-mannanose polysaccharides[55] (α-D-Mannans), which are built of α-(1,2)- and α-(1,3)- D-mannose branches (from 1 to 5 rings long), which are attached to long α-(1,6)-D-mannose chains.[56] This specific combination of various functionalities involves mannan oligosacharides-protein conjugates and highly hydrophilic and structurally variable ‘brush like’ mannan oligosaccharides structures that can fit to various receptors of animal digestive tracts,[57] and to the receptors on the surface of bacterial membranes,[58] impacts these molecules bioactivity. Mannan oligosacharides-protein conjugates are involved in interactions with the animal’s immune system and as result enhance immune system activity.[59] They also play a role in animal antioxidant and antimutagenic defense.[60]

See also


  1. ^ Oyofo, BA; Deloach, JR; Corrier, DE; Norman, JO; Ziprin, RL; Mollenhauer, HH (1989). "Prevention of Salmonella typhimurium colonization of broilers with D-mannose". Poultry science 68 (10): 1357–60. PMID 2685797. 
  2. ^ Oyofo, BA; Droleskey, RE; Norman, JO; Mollenhauer, HH; Ziprin, RL; Corrier, DE; Deloach, JR (1989). "Inhibition by mannose of in vitro colonization of chicken small intestine by Salmonella typhimurium". Poultry science 68 (10): 1351–6. PMID 2685796. 
  3. ^ Oyofo, B. A.; Deloach, J. R.; Corrier, D. E.; Norman, J. O.; Ziprin, R. L.; Mollenhauer, H. H. (1989). "Effect of Carbohydrates on Salmonella typhimurium Colonization in Broiler Chickens". Avian Diseases 33 (3): 531–4. doi:10.2307/1591117. PMID 2673191. 
  4. ^ Firon, N; Ashkenazi, S; Mirelman, D; Ofek, I; Sharon, N (1987). "Aromatic alpha-glycosides of mannose are powerful inhibitors of the adherence of type 1 fimbriated Escherichia coli to yeast and intestinal epithelial cells". Infection and immunity 55 (2): 472–6. PMC 260353. PMID 3542836. 
  5. ^ a b c d e Newman, K.; Jacques, K. A.; Buede, R. (1993). "Effect of mannanoligosaccharide on performance of calves fed acidified and non-acidified milk replacers". J. Anim. Sci. 71 (Suppl. 1): 271. 
  6. ^ a b Hooge, Danny M. (2004). "Meta-analysis of Broiler Chicken Pen Trials Evaluating Dietary Mannan Oligosaccharide, 1993-2003". International Journal of Poultry Science 3: 163–74. doi:10.3923/ijps.2004.163.174. 
  7. ^ a b Rosen, G. D. (2007). "Holo-analysis of the efficacy of Bio-Mos® in broiler nutrition". British Poultry Science 48 (1): 21–6. doi:10.1080/00071660601050755. PMID 17364536. 
  8. ^ a b Hooge, Danny M. (2004). Turkey Pen Trials with Dietary Mannan Oligosaccharide: Meta-analysis, 1993-2003. 3. pp. 179–88. 
  9. ^ a b Rosen, G. D. (2007). "Holo-analysis of the efficacy of Bio-Mos® in turkey nutrition". British Poultry Science 48 (1): 27–32. doi:10.1080/00071660601050730. PMID 17364537. 
  10. ^ a b Miguel, Jennifer C.; Rodriguez-Zas, Sandra L.; Pettigrew, James E. (2004). "Efficacy of a mannan oligosaccharide (Bio-Mos®) for improving nursery pig performance". Journal of Swine Health and Production 12 (6): 296–307. 
  11. ^ a b c Rosen, G. D. (2007). "Holo-analysis of the efficacy of Bio-Mos® in pig nutrition". Animal Science 82: 683–9. doi:10.1079/ASC200684. 
  12. ^ "Mannan Oligosaccharides: Natural Alternatives for Animal Nutrition (Part 3)" (Press release). Milk Products. 2007. Retrieved April 5, 2011. 
  13. ^ a b Spring, P; Wenk, C; Dawson, KA; Newman, KE (2000). "The effects of dietary mannaoligosaccharides on cecal parameters and the concentrations of enteric bacteria in the ceca of salmonella-challenged broiler chicks". Poultry science 79 (2): 205–11. PMID 10735748. 
  14. ^ a b Jacques, K. A.; Newman, K. E. (1994). "Effect of oligosaccharide supplements on performance and health of Holstein calves pre- and post-weaning". Journal of Animal Science 72 (Suppl. 1): 295. 
  15. ^ Biggs, P.; Parsons, C. M.; Fahey, G. C. (2007). "The Effects of Several Oligosaccharides on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibilities, and Cecal Microbial Populations in Young Chicks". Poultry Science 86 (11): 2327–36. doi:10.3382/ps.2007-00427. PMID 17954582. 
  16. ^ a b c Sims, MD; Dawson, KA; Newman, KE; Spring, P; Hoogell, DM (2004). "Effects of dietary mannan oligosaccharide, bacitracin methylene disalicylate, or both on the live performance and intestinal microbiology of turkeys". Poultry science 83 (7): 1148–54. PMID 15285506. 
  17. ^ a b Baurhoo, B; Phillip, L; Ruiz-Feria, CA (2007). "Effects of purified lignin and mannan oligosaccharides on intestinal integrity and microbial populations in the ceca and litter of broiler chickens". Poultry science 86 (6): 1070–8. PMID 17495075. 
  18. ^ Horgan, K. A.. "Monitoring the Effects of Yeast Mannan oligosaccharides on Enterobacteriaceae, using Real-Time PCR, in Supplemented Broilers. XIIIth European Poultry Conference 2010". World Poultry Science Journal 66 (Suppl): 432. 
  19. ^ Corrigan, A.; Horgan, K. A. "The Effects of Mannan oligosaccharide Supplementation on Bacterial Populations in Broiler Caecal Contents Analysed by Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA). XIIIth European Poultry Conference 2010". World Poultry Science Journal 66 (Suppl): 417. 
  20. ^ a b Yang, Y.; Iji, P. A.; Kocher, A.; Thomson, E.; Mikkelsen, L. L.; Choct, M. (2008). "Effects of mannanoligosaccharide in broiler chicken diets on growth performance, energy utilisation, nutrient digestibility and intestinal microflora". British Poultry Science 49 (2): 186–94. doi:10.1080/00071660801998613. PMID 18409093. 
  21. ^ a b Baurhoo, B.; Ferket, P. R.; Zhao, X. (2009). "Effects of diets containing different concentrations of mannanoligosaccharide or antibiotics on growth performance, intestinal development, cecal and litter microbial populations, and carcass parameters of broilers". Poultry Science 88 (11): 2262–72. doi:10.3382/ps.2008-00562. PMID 19834074. 
  22. ^ a b Iji, Paul A; Saki, Ali A; Tivey, David R (2001). "Intestinal structure and function of broiler chickens on diets supplemented with a mannan oligosaccharide". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 81: 1186–92. doi:10.1002/jsfa.925. 
  23. ^ Yang, Y.; Iji, P. A.; Kocher, A.; Mikkelsen, L. L.; Choct, M. (2008). "Effects of mannanoligosaccharide and fructooligosaccharide on the response of broilers to pathogenic Escherichia coli challenge". British Poultry Science 49 (5): 550–9. doi:10.1080/00071660802290408. PMID 18836901. 
  24. ^ a b Dimitroglou, A.; Merrifield, D. L.; Moate, R.; Davies, S. J.; Spring, P.; Sweetman, J.; Bradley, G. (2009). "Dietary mannan oligosaccharide supplementation modulates intestinal microbial ecology and improves gut morphology of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)". Journal of Animal Science 87 (10): 3226–34. doi:10.2527/jas.2008-1428. PMID 19617514. 
  25. ^ Ferket, P. R. (2002). "Use of oligosaccharides and gut modifiers as replacements for dietary antibiotics". Proc. 63rd Minnesota Nutrition Conference, September 17–18 (Eagan, MN): 169–82. 
  26. ^ Strickling, J (2000). "Evaluation of oligosaccharide addition to dog diets: influences on nutrient digestion and microbial populations". Animal Feed Science and Technology 86: 205–19. doi:10.1016/S0377-8401(00)00175-9. 
  27. ^ Swanson, KS; Grieshop, CM; Flickinger, EA; Bauer, LL; Healy, HP; Dawson, KA; Merchen, NR; Fahey Jr, GC (2002). "Supplemental fructooligosaccharides and mannanoligosaccharides influence immune function, ileal and total tract nutrient digestibilities, microbial populations and concentrations of protein catabolites in the large bowel of dogs". The Journal of nutrition 132 (5): 980–9. PMID 11983825. 
  28. ^ Gouveia, EM; Silva, IS; Onselem, VJ; Corrêa, RA; Silva, CJ (2006). "Use of mannanoligosacharides as an adjuvant treatment for gastrointestinal diseases and their effects on E.coli inactivated in dogs". Acta cirurgica brasileira / Sociedade Brasileira para Desenvolvimento Pesquisa em Cirurgia 21 Suppl 4: 23–6. PMID 17293961. 
  29. ^ a b c Grieshop, Christine; Flickinger, Elizabeth; Bruce, Kari; Patil, AR; Czarnecki-Maulden, GL; Fahey, GC (2004). "Gastrointestinal and immunological responses of senior dogs to chicory and mannan-oligosaccharides". Archives of Animal Nutrition 58 (6): 483–93. doi:10.1080/00039420400019977. PMID 15732581. 
  30. ^ Swanson, KS; Grieshop, CM; Flickinger, EA; Healy, HP; Dawson, KA; Merchen, NR; Fahey Jr, GC (2002). "Effects of supplemental fructooligosaccharides plus mannanoligosaccharides on immune function and ileal and fecal microbial populations in adult dogs". Archiv fur Tierernahrung 56 (4): 309–18. PMID 12462915. 
  31. ^ Kappel, L. C.; Zhang, Y.; Marcum, Y.; Taylor, W. H.; Henk, W. G.; Jowett, P.; Hedlund, C.; Newman, K.E. et al. (2004). "Beneficial effects of mannan oligosaccharide on diet component digestibility and fermentation characteristics in the dog". J. Anim. Sci. 82 (Suppl. 1): 246. 
  32. ^ Zentek, J; Marquart, B; Pietrzak, T (2002). "Intestinal effects of mannanoligosaccharides, transgalactooligosaccharides, lactose and lactulose in dogs". The Journal of nutrition 132 (6 Suppl 2): 1682S–4S. PMID 12042492. 
  33. ^ Parks, CW; Grimes, JL; Ferket, PR; Fairchild, AS (2001). "The effect of mannanoligosaccharides, bambermycins, and virginiamycin on performance of large white male market turkeys". Poultry science 80 (6): 718–23. PMID 11441837. 
  34. ^ Parks, CW; Grimes, JL; Ferket, PR (2005). "Effects of virginiamycin and a mannanoligosaccharide-virginiamycin shuttle program on the growth and performance of large white female turkeys". Poultry science 84 (12): 1967–73. PMID 16479957. 
  35. ^ a b c d Le Dividich, J.; Martel-Kennes, Y.; Coupel, A. (2009). "Bio-Mos in diets for sows: effects on piglet performance". Journees Recherche Porcine 41: 249–50. 
  36. ^ Lazarevic, M.; Spring, P.; Shabanovic, M.; Tokic, V.; Tucker, L. A. (2010). "Effect of gut active carbohydrates on plasma IgG concentrations in piglets and calves". Animal 4: 938–43. doi:10.1017/S1751731110000194. 
  37. ^ a b Heinrichs, A.J.; Jones, C.M.; Heinrichs, B.S. (2003). "Effects of Mannan Oligosaccharide or Antibiotics in Neonatal Diets on Health and Growth of Dairy Calves1". Journal of Dairy Science 86 (12): 4064–9. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(03)74018-1. PMID 14740845. 
  38. ^ a b Sellars, K.; Burrill, M.; Trei, J.; Newman, K. E.; Jacques, K. A. (1997). "Effect of mannan oligosaccharide supplementation on performance and health of Holstein calves". J. Dairy Sci. 80 (Suppl. 1): 188. 
  39. ^ Dvorak, R. A.; Newman, K. E.; Jacques, K. A.; Waterman, D. F. (1997). "Effects of Bio-Mos® on performance of calves fed whole milk". J. Dairy Sci. 80 (Suppl. 1): 281. 
  40. ^ Quigley, J. D. (1996). "Intake, growth and health of dairy calves in response to a mannan oligosaccharide and oral challenge with E. coli". J. Dairy Sci. 79 (Suppl. 1): 230. 
  41. ^ Terre, M; Calvo, M; Adelantado, C; Kocher, A; Bach, A (2007). "Effects of mannan oligosaccharides on performance and microorganism fecal counts of calves following an enhanced-growth feeding program". Animal Feed Science and Technology 137: 115–25. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2006.11.009. 
  42. ^ a b Morrison, S.J.; Dawson, S.; Carson, A.F. (2010). "The effects of mannan oligosaccharide and Streptococcus faecium addition to milk replacer on calf health and performance". Livestock Science 131: 292–6. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2010.04.002. 
  43. ^ Franklin, S.T.; Newman, M.C.; Newman, K.E.; Meek, K.I. (2005). "Immune Parameters of Dry Cows Fed Mannan Oligosaccharide and Subsequent Transfer of Immunity to Calves". Journal of Dairy Science 88 (2): 766–75. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(05)72740-5. PMID 15653543. 
  44. ^ Daniels, Carly L.; Merrifield, Daniel L.; Boothroyd, Dominic P.; Davies, Simon J.; Factor, Jan R.; Arnold, Katie E. (2010). "Effect of dietary Bacillus spp. and mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) on European lobster (Homarus gammarus L.) larvae growth performance, gut morphology and gut microbiota". Aquaculture 304: 49–57. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2010.03.018. 
  45. ^ Daniels, CL; Boothroyd, D; Davies, S; Pryor, R; Taylor, D; Wells, C (2006). "Bio-Mos® improves the growth and survival of cultured European lobster". Fish Farmer: 24–7. 
  46. ^ Dimitroglou, Arkadios; Merrifield, Daniel L.; Carnevali, Oliana; Picchietti, Simona; Avella, Matteo; Daniels, Carly; Güroy, Derya; Davies, Simon J. (2011). "Microbial manipulations to improve fish health and production – A Mediterranean perspective". Fish & Shellfish Immunology 30: 1–16. doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2010.08.009. 
  47. ^ a b Dimitroglou, Arkadios; Merrifield, Daniel Lee; Spring, Peter; Sweetman, John; Moate, Roy; Davies, Simon John (2010). "Effects of mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) supplementation on growth performance, feed utilisation, intestinal histology and gut microbiota of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)". Aquaculture 300: 182–8. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2010.01.015. 
  48. ^ Rodriguez-Estrada, U; Satoh, S; Haka, Y; Fushimi, H; Sweetman, J (2009). "Effects of single and combined supplementation of Enterococcus faecalis, mannan oligosaccharide and polyhydroxybutyrate acid on growth performance and immune response of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss". Aquaculture Sci 57 (4): 609–17. 
  49. ^ Staykov, Y.; Spring, P.; Denev, S.; Sweetman, J. (2007). "Effect of a mannan oligosaccharide on the growth performance and immune status of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)". Aquaculture International 15: 153–61. doi:10.1007/s10499-007-9096-z. 
  50. ^ Torrecillas, S; Makol, A; Caballero, M; Montero, D; Robaina, L; Real, F; Sweetman, J; Tort, L et al. (2007). "Immune stimulation and improved infection resistance in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fed mannan oligosaccharides". Fish & Shellfish Immunology 23: 969–81. doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2007.03.007. 
  51. ^ Torrecillas, S; Makol, A; Benitez-Santana, T; Caballero, M; Montero, D; Sweetman, J; Izquierdo, M (2011). "Reduced gut bacterial translocation in European sea bass". Fish & Shellfish Immunology 30: 674–81. doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2010.12.020. 
  52. ^ Torrecillas, S.; Makol, A.; Caballero, M.J.; Montero, D.; Ginés, R.; Sweetman, J.; Izquierdo, M. (2011). "Improved feed utilization, intestinal mucus production and immune parameters in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fed mannan oligosaccharides (MOS)". Aquaculture Nutrition 17: 223–33. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2095.2009.00730.x. 
  53. ^ Stewart, GG; Russell, I (1998). "Brewer's Yeast". Brewing Science & Technology Series III (The Institute of Brewing, London). 
  54. ^ Lesage, G.; Bussey, H. (2006). "Cell Wall Assembly in Saccharomyces cerevisiae". Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 70 (2): 317–43. doi:10.1128/MMBR.00038-05. PMC 1489534. PMID 16760306. 
  55. ^ Kath, Franziskus; Kulicke, Werner-Michael (1999). "Mild enzymatic isolation of mannan and glucan from yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae". Die Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie 268: 59–68. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1522-9505(19990701)268:1<59::AID-APMC59>3.0.CO;2-F. 
  56. ^ Vinogradov, E; Petersen, B; Bock, K (1998). "Discussion". Carbohydrate Research 307 (1-2): 177–83. doi:10.1016/S0008-6215(98)00042-1. PMID 9658572. 
  57. ^ Mansour, Michael K.; Levitz, Stuart M. (2003). "Fungal Mannoproteins: the Sweet Path to Immunodominance". ASM News 69 (12): 595–600. 
  58. ^ Garofalo, Corinne; Wellens, Adinda; Nguyen, Hien; Van Gerven, Nani; Slättegård, Rikard; Hernalsteens, Jean-Pierre; Wyns, Lode; Oscarson, Stefan et al. (2008). Zhang, Shuguang. ed. "Intervening with Urinary Tract Infections Using Anti-Adhesives Based on the Crystal Structure of the FimH–Oligomannose-3 Complex". PLoS ONE 3 (4): e2040. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002040. PMC 2323111. PMID 18446213. 
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